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Financial Regulatories in the Beverage Industry

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What are the roles of regulatory bodies in the financial market?

Which regulatory bodies impact pepsi and coca-cola companies?

How are they impacted by regulatory bodies?

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"Free markets and a competitive environment should determine the fundamental structure of the securities markets. Regulatory bodies should..."

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Financial Regulatories in the Beverage Industry
1. What are the roles of regulatory bodies in the financial market?
Role of regulatory bodies in the Financial Markets.
1. Foster Investor Protection:
Investor protection has been a cornerstone of the U.S. securities laws and the affiliated self-regulatory regime since the securities laws were enacted in the 1930's. The Exchange Act clearly sets forth this important goal, stating that the Act was adopted to "insure the maintenance of fair and honest market. The Regulatory bodies should ensure that public is protected from fraud and abuse. The two important Investor protection is Adequate protection (i.e.) Investors should be Protected under well revised system.
2. Preserve Fair Competition:
Free markets ...

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