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Sanyo Competitive Forces

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Study this site. Identify three competitive forces that challenge this organization. Identify three environmental forces facing Sanyo today. How do these forces impact the organization? Explain. Why is it important for Sanyo to conduct an external audit prior to making strategic decisions? http://www.sanyo.com

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Sanyo competitive forces

study this site. Identify three competitive forces that challenge this organization. Identify three environmental forces facing Sanyo today. http://www.sanyo.com

1. The first competitive force that challenges Sanyo is the rivals in the same industry. For example, its Eneloop competes against products like Rayovac's "Hybrid Rechargeable" batteries.
2. The second competitive force that challenges Sanyo is the threat of substitutes. For instance Sanyo Electric produces solar modules. However, a sudden increase in the availability of thermal or hydel power reduces the demand ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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