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Your employer, an electrical fixtures supply company has decided to purchase company cars for all of the sales staff. You have been asked to select the line of automobiles that should be purchased. You have decided that on grounds of economy and longevity that it is in the company's best interesting to purchase Volvo's. As a prudent and sensible buyer, you have done research on the web and have discovered that experts agree the Volvo is the most mechanically superior and safe automobile for your companies needs.

Prior to meeting with the Volvo sales people you talk the decision over with your Boss who reacts with disbelief and alarm: "A Volvo! You've got to be kidding. My brother-in-law had a Volvo. First, that fancy fuel injection computer thing went out. Had to replace it. Then the transmission and the clutch. Finally sold it in three years for junk."(Adapted from: Nisbett, R.E., et al., "Popular Induction: Information is Not Always Informative", in J.S. Carroll & J.W. Payne (Editors), Cognition and Social Behavior, Halsted, 1976)

For this assignment your research paper will need to:

Part 1: Identify and explain the type of heuristics in the reaction of your Boss that resulted in his/her biased reaction.

Part 2: Based on what your supervisor has stated you do some additional research and discover that your original research is confirmed. But you need to influence your Boss of the merits of purchasing a Volvo. Answer and address the following:

* What type(s) of heuristic will you employ to help you influence the Boss's decision? How will that "heuristic" help you sway your supervisor to your viewpoint... and approve your recommendation to purchase Volvo's?
* What specific information, about the Volvo, can you provide to your Boss that will directly "influence" his/her decision making? You will need to do research on the Volvo to answer this part of the project.

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Decision Making - Your employer, an electrical fixtures supply company has decided to purchase company cars for all of the sales staff.

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Question 1: Identify and explain the type of heuristics in the reaction of your Boss that resulted in his/her biased reaction.

The heuristic identified in this scenario is the negative reaction or attitude of the boss towards Volvo cars. This type of heuristic or bias can be placed under "Representativeness Heuristic". Let us first understand this heuristic type:

Representativeness Heuristic:

" People assess the likelihood of an event's occurrence by the similarity of that occurrence to their stereotypes of similar occurrences. This may, in some cases, be useful as a good 'first-cut" approximation, but becomes problematic when this heuristic is taken as accurate, complete and sufficient when better information exists with which to make an accurate judgment. In some cases, this heuristic leads to behavior that is seen as irrational and morally reprehensible - like discrimination." ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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