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What are some of the variables considered by Business Ethics in coming up with its list of 100 Best Corporate Citizens?

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Go to The Business Ethics Awards at www.business-ethics.com/100best.htm Read about the "100 Best Corporate Citizens" and "The Methodology" used to select the winners. Based on your reading answer the following questions:

What are some of the variables considered by Business Ethics in coming up with its list of 100 Best Corporate Citizens?

Do you agree with these variables? What, if anything, should be added or deleted and why?

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"The methodology behind the corporate citizenship rankings by Samuel P. Graves, Sandra Waddock, and Marjorie Kelly. It said there were..."

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What are some of the variables considered by Business Ethics in coming up with its list of 100 Best Corporate Citizens?

You should read "How the List Is Put Together" - The methodology behind the corporate citizenship rankings by Samuel P. Graves, Sandra Waddock, and Marjorie Kelly. It said there were 7 variables altogether, which are those seven stakeholder groups - e.g. Shareholders, minorities and women, employees, environment...etc (you should look up yourself ...

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