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Irresponsibility among American Males

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What are some cultural forces influencing the trend of lower levels of responsibility and accountability among American fathers.

1. Sex is viewed as recreation rather than as an integral part of the marriage relationship. I know it's an old fashioned view but that doesn't make it untrue. If sex is viewed as a part of the marriage relationship then certain obligations and responsibilities must be thought out and agreed to prior to engaging in sex. The male is forced to consider long-term commitment, monogamy and the responsibility of caring for another human being before ever getting to "sample the wares" so to speak. If the male has assumed his responsibilities prior to sex the odds are that he will step up and assume responsibilities that occur as a result of sex: a pregnant, moody wife (my wife and I have been married for 18 years and have three sons; I know of which I speak), children, costs of raising children, reduction in personal freedom, etc.

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This is a discussion of irresponsibility among American males. Over 800 words of original text along with links to important websites.

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What are some cultural forces influencing the trend of lower levels of responsibility and accountability among American fathers.

1. Sex is viewed as recreation rather than as an integral part of the marriage relationship. I know it's an old fashioned view but that doesn't make it untrue. If sex is viewed as a part of the marriage relationship then certain obligations and responsibilities must be thought out and agreed to prior to engaging in sex. The male is forced to consider long-term commitment, monogamy and the responsibility of caring for another human being before ever getting to "sample the wares" so to speak. If the male has assumed his responsibilities prior to sex the odds are that he will step up and assume responsibilities that occur as a result of sex: a pregnant, moody wife (my wife and I have been married for 18 years and have three sons; I know of which I speak), children, costs of raising children, reduction in personal freedom, etc.
2. The entertainment industry values and promotes promiscuity, violence and irresponsible behavior. How many reports have you seen that decry the number of hours that American children and teens spend watching television, surfing the internet and playing video games? How many ...

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