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Gas Prices: Elastic or Inelastic

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How do you feel about gas prices? Do you feel they are elastic or inelastic?

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The solution describes feelings about gas prices and how they are elastic or inelastic.

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Quantity demanded refers to the amount of goods buyers are willing to buy at a given price. To come up with price decisions, sellers and producers make use of an economic tool, the price elasticity of demand, to determine whether any given change in price would significantly affect the demand. The seller or marketer needs to know how the consumers respond to a given change in price to determine whether the price decision would result to increase in revenue and consequently, a possible increase in income.

Price ...

Solution provided by:
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, University of the Philippines
  • Master in Business Administration, Saint Mary's University
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education, University of the Philippines
  • Doctor in Business Adminstration (IP), Polytechnic University of the Philippines
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