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Sample Type for Unrestricted Sample of Technicians

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Your large firm is about to change to a customer-centered organization structure, where employees who have rarely had customer contact will now likely significantly influence customer satisfaction and retention. As part of the transition, your superior wants an accurate evaluation of the morale of the firm's large number of computer technicians. What type of sample would you draw if it was to be an unrestricted sample?

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This solution discusses sample types for unrestricted sample of technicians. The explanation is given in 198 words with two references.

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Problem: Your large firm is about to change to a customer-centered organization structure, where employees who have rarely had customer contact will now likely significantly influence customer satisfaction and retention. As part of the transition, your superior wants an accurate evaluation of the morale of the firm's large number of computer technicians. What type of sample would you draw if it was to be an unrestricted sample?

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