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Merck's Vioxx Case & the Relevance of Data Analysis

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Read articles on the following topic to prompt a discussion on the relevance of data analysis.

Merck (Vioxx) and Health Care:
Congressional Hearing Focuses on Merck's Marketing for COX-2 Drug Vioxx
Merck Announces Voluntary Worldwide Withdrawal of Vioxx
Merck Asks Judge to Dismiss Vioxx Trial


Propose the following issues:
* How did the company in question use or misuse data to support their decisions?
* What were the results?
* What are the limitations and significance of the data?
* What are ethical implications of data misuses in this case?

Apply principles of quantitative and qualitative research to business cases.
Apply principles of quantitative and qualitative research to business cases.
Apply the standard of APA Style to all research and writing tasks.
Recognize situations that present potential legal and ethical issues and develop solutions for those issues.
Discuss the opportunities provided by technology for businesses.

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Solution Summary

Concerning the case of Merck and Vioxx and the relevance of data analysis, this solution provides information and a comprehensive response to each question.

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