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Line Balancing and Rockness Recycling

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Rockness Recycling refurbishes rundown business students. The process uses a moving belt, which carries each student through the five steps of the process in sequence. The five steps are as follows:

1 Unpack and place on belt 1.0 minute
2 Strip off bad habits 1.5 minutes
3 Scrub and clean mind 0.8 minute
4 Insert modern methods 1.0 minute
5 Polish and pack 1.2 minutes

One faculty member is assigned to each of these steps. Faculty members work a 40-hour week and rotate jobs each week. Mr. Rockness has been working on a contract from General Electric, which requires delivery of 2,000 refurbished students per week.

A representative of the human resources department has just called complaining that the company hasn't been receiving the agreed-upon number of students. A check of finished goods inventory by Mr. Rockness reveals that there is no stock left.

What is going on?

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The solution does a great job of explaining the answer. The solution is very well written and easy to follow along and clearly explains the process in a simple way. Overall, a great response to the question being asked.

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This is clearly a line balancing issue. The slowest task in the chain determines the speed of the entire process. The slowest task in this case is the "Strip off bad habits" which takes 1.5 ...

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