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Lead Time Analysis

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The Gamma Ray Company produces two products, the Gamma Blaster (GB) and the Gamma Disaster (GD). Each product is made from three components: A, B, and C. The Gamma Blaster is made from the following components: A (2), B (3), and C (4). The Gamma Disaster is made from A (3), B (2), and C (1). All other relevant information is provided.

Determine the minimum lead time to satisfy a new order for the Gamma Blaster. Determine the minimum lead time required to satisfy a new order for the Gamma Disaster.

The minimum lead time for Gamma Blasters is __ weeks.

The minimum lead time for Gamma Disasters is __ weeks.

(See attached file)

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Lead times analysis is provided. The minimum lead time for Gamma Blasters is determined.

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Here, Component A has the longest lead time (4 weeks).
The lead time for Gamma Blasters is 1 ...

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