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Cash flows and other financial statements

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1. Describe how the statement of cash flows is linked to each of the other financial statements (income statement and balance sheet). Also review how the other financial statements are linked with each other.
2. Caterpillar manufactures heavy machinery and equipment and provides financing for purchases by its customers. Caterpillar reported sales and interest revenue of $51324 million for 2008. The balance sheet showed current and noncurrent receivables of $15752 million at the beginning of 2009 and $18448 million at the end of 2008. Computer the amount of cash collected from customers during 2008.
3. Lowe's Companies, a retailer of home improvement products, reported cost of goods sold of $31729 million for the fiscal year ended January 30,2009. It reported merchandise inventories of $7611 million at the beginning of fiscal 2009 and $8209 million at the end of fisccal 2009. It reported accounts payable to suppliers of $3713 million at the beginning of fiscal 2009 and $4109 million at the end of fiscal 2009. COmpute themamount of cash paid to merchandise suppliers during fiscal 2009.
4.Refer to the Texas Instruments (TI) Statement of Cash Flows (Exhibit 3.23 on page 207) and review the change in one item for each of the key parts of the statement (Operations, Investing, Financing). Very briefly explain what may have occurred during Year 4.

For instance:

Operations / Increase (Decrease) in accounts payable- $(71):

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Solution Summary

This solution discusses the relationship between the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows. It also converts sales and cost of goods sold in order to present each using the direct method. Finally, it examines one component of each element of a statement of cash flows.

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