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During an interview "an auditor should pay attention to how

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During an interview "an auditor should pay attention to how the person acts and respond to questions." What are some of the signs that auditors should be looking for? What actions and responses by the person being interviewed might indicate fraudulent behavior? Do you think the auditor is in the best position to identify these behaviors? Or would they be more obvious to people within the client organization that work side-by-side with the individual?

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During an interview "an auditor should pay attention to how the person acts and respond to questions." What are some of the signs that auditors should be looking for? What actions and responses by the person being interviewed might indicate fraudulent behavior? Do you think the auditor is in the best position to identify these behaviors? Or would they be more obvious to people within the client organization that work side-by-side with the individual?

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During an interview "an auditor should pay attention to how the person acts and respond to questions." What are some of the signs that auditors should be looking for? What actions and responses by the person being interviewed might indicate fraudulent behavior? Do you think the auditor is in the best position to identify these behaviors? Or would they be more obvious to people within the client organization that work side-by-side with the ...

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