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Dogg Co bank reconciliation for May 2004

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2. In preparing its May 31, 2004 bank reconciliation, Dogg Co. has the
following information available:

Balance per bank statement, 5/31/04 $27,000
Deposit in transit, 5/31/04 5,400
Outstanding checks, 5/31/04 4,900
Note collected by bank in May 1,250

The correct balance of cash at May 31, 2004 is
a. $32,400.
b. $26,250.
c. $27,500.
d. $28,750.

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Solution Summary

The solution presents the bank reconcilation for Dogg Co. plus information to explain the treatment of the note collected by the bank in May.

Solution Preview

Balance per bank $27,000
Add: deposit in transit 5,400
Less: outstanding check ...

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