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National Income Accounting-

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Calculate national income from the following figures:

Consumption $200 Billion
Depreciation $20 Billion
Retained earning $12 Billion
Gross investment $30 Billion
Imports $40 Billion
Social Security taxes $25 Billion
Exports $50 Billion
Indirect business taxes $15 Billion
Government purchases $60 Billion
Personal income taxes $40 Billion

b- If there were 80 million people in this country, what would be the GDP per capita be?
c- If all prices were to double overnight, what would happen to the values of real and nominal GDP per capita?
d- What is the value of the net investment ?

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This solution answers four questions concerning national income accounting, addressing GDP per capita, price increase and value of net investment.

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a) NI = Consumption + Investment + Government purchases + Exports - imports + income earned by residents abroad - income earned by foreigners at home -depreciation + business subsidied - ...

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