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Donegan's Lawn Care Service: Prepare Trial Balance

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3.6A Donegan's Lawn Care Service began operations in July 2009. The company uses the following general ledger accounts:

Capital Stock
Accounts Receivable
Retained Earnings
Office Supplies Mowing Revenue
Mowing Equipment
Salaries Expense
Accounts Payable
Fuel Expense
Notes Payable

The company engaged in the following transactions during its first month of operations:

July 18 Issued 500 shares of capital stock to Patrick Donegan for $ 1,500.

July 22 Purchased office supplies on account for $ 100.

July 23 Purchased mowing equipment for $ 2,000, paying $ 400 cash and issuing a 60- day note payable for the remaining balance.

July 24 Paid $ 25 cash for gasoline. All of this fuel will be used in July.

July 25 Billed Lost Creek Cemetery $ 150 for mowing services. The entire amount is due July 30.

July 26 Billed Golf View Condominiums $ 200 for mowing services. The entire amount is due August 1.

July 30 Collected $ 150 from Lost Creek Cemetery for mowing services provided on July 25.

July 31 Paid $ 80 salary to employee Teddy Grimm for work performed in July.

a. Record each of the above transactions in general journal form. Include a brief explanation of the transaction as part of each journal entry.

b. Post each entry to the appropriate ledger accounts ( use the T account format).

c. Prepare a trial balance dated July 31, 2009.

d. Explain why the Retained Earnings account has a zero balance in the trial balance.

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The expert prepares trial balances for Donegan's Lawn Care services.

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Solution to your problem is provided herewith in the attached excel file.

Please note that Retained earning Account has Zero ...

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