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Company's total assets and annual reporting period

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What are the company's total assets at the end of its most recent annual reporting period? Why is this important?

What are the total assets at the end of the previous annual reporting period?

Link to the financial information for Microsofts 2011 :


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The expert examines a company's total assets and annual reporting periods.

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For Microsoft Investors: Need a 150-200 word answer for this please......
What are the company's total assets at the end of its most recent annual reporting period? Why is this important?

·What are the total assets at the end of the previous annual reporting period?

The total assets of the company for the recent annual reporting period (2011) are:
Current assets:
$(2011) $(2010)
Cash and cash equivalents 9610 5505
Short term investments 43162 31283
Accounts receivable (net) 14987 ...

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