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A job cost sheet of Battle Company

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A job cost sheet of Battle Company is given in attachment.


(1) What are the source documents for direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing
overhead costs assigned to this job?
(2) What is the predetermined manufacturing overhead rate?
(3) What are the total cost and the unit cost of the completed job?
(b) Prepare the entry to record the completion of the job.

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Solution Summary

This solution is comprised of a detailed explanation and calculation to answer what are the source documents for direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead costs assigned to this job, the predetermined manufacturing overhead rate, the total cost and the unit cost of the completed job, and prepare the entry to record the completion of the job.

Solution Preview

(1) What are the source documents for direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing
overhead costs assigned to this job?
The source documents for direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead costs assigned to this job ...

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