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Product Liability

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Explain why product liability is not an issue in some countries. Provide at least one example in your explanation.

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Why product liability is an issue in some countries and example. References are provided.

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Product liability is the legal responsibility of the manufacturers and sellers to the buyers, consumers or users of their products of the effects, damages or injuries that have been caused by the use of the purchased items.
Different countries address the issue of product liability in different ways. They have different product liability laws that protect the consumers from defective products. In some countries like New Zealand, America, and other European nations, an insurance is provided to protect the manufacturers of the products so that the complainant receives the necessary treatment or money to compensate the damage or injury arising from the product defects and from the lawsuit. Companies from these countries assume product liability for all the items that they manufacture. Different legal conditions vary according to the country but legal laws require that companies assure product safety to protect the consumers. Japan and American have laws on product liability while the European Union provides the EC directives. These countries and the communities that comprise them monitor manufacturing ...

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