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Total overhead cost per order

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Esmail Company is a wholesale distributor that uses activity-based costing for all of its overhead costs. The company has provided the following data concerning its annual overhead costs and its activity based costing system:

Overhead costs:
Wages and salaries 380,000
Other expenses 220,000
Total 600,000

Distribution of resource consumption:
Activity Cost Pools
Filling Orders Customer Support Other Total
Wages and salaries 55% 35% 10% 100%
Other expenses 25% 55% 20% 100%

The "Other" activity cost pool consists of the costs of idle capacity and organization-sustaining costs.

The amount of activity for the year is as follows:

Activity Cost Pool Activity
Filling orders 4,000 orders
Customer support 60 customers

Reference: 8-1

What would be the total overhead cost per order according to the activity based costing system? In other words, what would be the overall activity rate for the filling orders activity cost pool? (Round to the nearest whole cent.)


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This provides the steps to compute the total overhead cost per order according to the activity based costing system

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What would be the total overhead cost per order according to the ...

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