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Understanding Psalm 91

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Can you help me with the literary features of psalm 91—explain the major figures of speech in the passage and any other literary features that help to make the message of the psalm memorable,Interpretive issues—discussing the three to four key interpretive problems in psalm 91—raising the issue and providing a proposed solution with biblical evidence supporting your conclusions, and
Theological and application of psalm 91: discussing the key theological principles reflected in the psalm and some specific ways that this psalm might apply to the believer today

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This solution will assist the student in understanding the literary features, interpretive issues, and theological principles that are present in Psalm 91.

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The Literary Features of Psalm 91—Explain the major figures of speech in the passage and any other literary features that help to make the message of the psalm memorable.

This Psalm has been categorized as an "individual psalm" of lament, a "praise/thanksgiving" psalm (with regard to God's security), and a psalm of "confidence/trust."

C. Hassell Bullock. 2001. Encountering the Book of Psalms: A Literary and Theological Introduction. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic. p. 141

Lawrence O. Richards. 1991. The Bible Reader's Companion: Your Guide to Every Chapter in the Bible. Baltimore: Halo Press. p. 371.

A psalm of lament is usually one of prayer in the form of a song. The reason for the lament is not usually known but the lament is being addressed in the song. In the midst of the lament, there is praise and thanksgiving that the Lord will deliver one from the cause of the lament. Finally, the confidence and trust in God is revealed, or, in other words, the "why" God will deliver one from the cause of the lament.

Craig C. Broyles breaks the psalm down as follows:

-A description of the believer who confesses Yahweh as a refuge
-Yahweh's promise of protective action
-Promises of the believer's security
-A prophetic oracle (vv. 14-16)

Craig C. Broyles. 1999. Understanding the Bible Commentary Series: Psalms. Peabody: ...

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