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Extrinsic and intrinsic analysis of the Bible

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Extrinsic analysis of Amos 5:18-25.
What is the historical context of the author?
What are the power issues? Who has power and who does not have power?

Intrinsic Analysis of Amos 5:18-25
What are the presuppositions of the author, stated and not stated?
Who has a voice, and who does not have a voice?
Whose interests are being served and whose interest are being suppressed?
What has been left out for the "truth" in the passage to hold?
What are the issues/contradictions being worked out within the text?
How does this passage fit in within the overall ideological context of the book?

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Solution Summary

Extrinsic and intrinsic analysis of Amos 5:18-25 is discussed. Historical context, the value of religious festivals over and against ethics, and power are elaborated. Reference texts are also given.

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Hi! Thanks for your posting; I enjoyed working through this. I think it's easier for you if I just address questions one at a time, so:

*What is the historical context of the author?*
The historical context of whoever compiled this compendium of Amos' prophecies would at least be familiar with the Two Kingdom period of the Hebrews, namely Israel and Judah. Judah is where Amos was born (1:1) and earned most of his agrarian livelihood (7:14-15), and only receives a small portion of the prophesying itself (2:4-5). During this part of the Two Kingdom period, Judah was overseen by Uzziah, and Israel was overseen by Jeroboam (1:1); the fact that both kingdoms (as a whole) were well off both economically and diplomatically can be clear from Amos' being charged to earn a living back in Judah (7:12) and Amos' accurate but biting commentary on the lifestyle of the rich in Israel (3:15-4:1, 6:4-6, 8:5-6, etc.), which would foretell the Assyrian takeover of both kingdoms in 722-721. As for specific years, though those cannot be known for sure due to the reference of an earthquake and the eventual capture by Assyria, we get to have a rough idea for context (the time period surrounding the book, not just the book itself) of ~780-720 BCE.

*What are the power issues? Who has power ...

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