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Juvenile court systems

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The similarities and differences between the juvenile court characteristics in Texas and the characteristics in Pennsylvania.

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Similarities and differences between the juvenile court systems in Texas and Pennsylvania.

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Children need to be between the ages of 10 and 17.

Definition of being delinquent:
TEXAS:Delinquent conduct is defined to be 1) conduct that violates a penal law of Texas or the United States that is punishable by imprisonment or by confinement in jail (i.e., Class B Misdemeanors through Capital felonies); 2) a violation of a lawful order of a juvenile court except an order prohibiting commission of fineable only offenses, runaway, or truancy; 3) conduct that violates a municipal or justice court order under circumstances that would constitute contempt of court; and 4) the third or subsequent offense of driving under the influence of alcohol by a minor. TEX. FAM. CODE ANN. ' 51.03 (a). Certification as an Adult. For many serious or chronic felony offenders, certification as an adult is deemed to be the most appropriate option. If a child is certified to stand trial as an adult, the child faces the same range of punishment that an adult would face for the same crime, except that a juvenile cannot receive the death penalty for an offense committed before turning 17 years of age. A child who was 14 at the time of commission of the offense may be certified for the following serious offenses: capital felonies, aggravated controlled substance felonies, or first degree felonies. For all other felonies, the child must have been age 15 at the time of the commission of the offense.

If a juvenile offender was previously certified to stand trial as an adult and that ...

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