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Define the term "cyberpredator." Describe how advances in computer technology have made it easier for predators to victimize children. Explain how a pedophile living 500 miles away from an intended victim can be just as dangerous as one living in the victim's neighborhood

2. Specifically, you have been invited to speak on how tools like a modus operandi (MO) database or Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (ViCAP), can increase an understanding of criminal typologies and assist law enforcement agencies in tracking suspected offenders. Analyze and evaluate how tools such as MO databases and programs like ViCAP can assist law enforcement. Create an outline for your discussion that you could use to effectively cover the subject during the radio broadcast.

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Solution Summary

Define the term "cyberpredator." Describe how advances in computer technology have made it easier for predators to victimize children. Explain how a pedophile living 500 miles away from an intended victim can be just as dangerous as one living in the victim's neighborhood.

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A cyber predator is someone who uses communication technologies to stalk a person with the intent of inflicting financial or bodily harm. Here too, though the problem is widespread, much of the public is unaware of how cyber predators identify and pursue their victims.

Cyber predators find their victims over the Internet, using various means to get personal information about their targets. Most cyber predators are proficient Internet users looking for children and young adults for sex.

It always starts with cyber stalking. Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to pursue or harass someone, often causing a range of physical, emotional and psychological harm to the victim. Unfortunately, stalkers can hide behind anonymous e-mails and use computer programs that conceal their digital location, making it difficult for law enforcement to link harassment to a particular stalker.

Reference: http://www.cafeaspira.com/cyberpredators.html

The advances in computer technology have made it possible for these cyberpredators to cause more harm than a pedophile living in the victim's neighbourhood because these cyberpredators can easily conceal their identity and thus, cause more harm to the victim after establishing trustworthy relationship with them over the internet. These predators use a wide range of computer tools to achieve their objectives, such as:

Predators typically go through ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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