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Hate Crimes in America

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As society continues to evolve and America becomes one of the largest culture melting pots in the world, we still deal with the dreaded hate crimes. However, hate crimes have evolved from focusing on minorities to a larger range of cultures to include homosexuality religion, and gender. I believe every generation deals with hate crimes in some form or fashion. We've seen an influx in hates crimes after the 9/11 attacks that focused primarily on the Muslim/Arabic community. Discuss any occurrences of hate crimes in local community and state. Additionally, evaluate whether or not the state has any mandatory reporting laws for hate crimes.

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As society continues to evolve and America becomes one of the largest culture melting pots in the world, we still deal with the dreaded hate crimes. However, hate crimes have evolved from focusing on minorities to a larger range of cultures to include homosexuality religion, and gender. I believe every generation deals with hate crimes in some form or fashion. We've seen an influx in hates crimes after the 9/11 attacks that focused primarily on the Muslim/Arabic community. Below we'll discuss any occurrences of hate crimes in my community and state. Additionally we'll evaluate whether or not my state has any mandatory reporting laws for hate crimes. ...

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