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supply of money in the market

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"Poor people are poor because they do not have very much money. Yet, central bankers keep money scarce. If poor people had more money, poverty could be eliminated." Evaluate the statement. Be sure to indicate whether or not you believe the statement is true, false, or uncertain.

Just one or two paragraphs should be enough. Please help with the following problem in at least 300 words.

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The supply of money in the market is emphasized in this posting. It helps evaluate a statement about poverty and scarcity. The explanation is given in 341 words.

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Problem: "Poor people are poor because they do not have very much money. Yet, central bankers keep money scarce. If poor people had more money, poverty could be eliminated." Evaluate the statement. Be sure to indicate whether or not you believe the statement is true, false, or uncertain.

Central bankers cannot just print money and hope that this will eliminate poverty. The prime reason for this is based on what we can call the peculiar nature of money as an ...

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