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Monopoly and monopoly power

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1. Working in a call center Why is "calls per hour" a "better" measurement than "dollars collected per hour" for your agents?

2. Is Apple a monopoly? Does a firm have to be a "monopoly" to have "monopoly power"?

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Solution Summary

This solution helps address the following questions:

1. Working in a call center Why is "calls per hour" a "better" measurement than "dollars collected per hour" for your agents?

2. Is Apple a monopoly? Does a firm have to be a "monopoly" to have "monopoly power"?

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1. It isn't clear that one is better than the other. It might depend on the industry. For example, a call centre might not be trying to sell something, it might instead be engaging on a form of advertising, which might eventually lead to profits. This would work for some types of goods while, for other goods, where they are not looking for repeat costumers or costumer loyalty, a dollars collected per ...

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