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payroll taxes

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How do the payroll taxes levied on the earnings of workers affect their decisions about how much leisure they consume?

When the government taxes younger people to pay benefits to older people, how does this affect the amount of assistance that younger people might voluntarily choose to offer older people?

When the government taxes younger people to pay benefits to older people, how does this affect the size of the bequests that older people are likely to leave to their children or grand children when they die?

In general, people who hare more productive earn higher incomes and thus pay higher taxes. How would a change in the immigration laws that favored more highly educated and skilled individuals affect the future tax burden of today's American college students? Would the admission of better-educated immigrants tend to raise or lower the wages of American college graduates? On balance, would an overhaul of the immigration system benefit or harm today's college students?

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Effects are noted of payroll taxes.

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Please help with the following:

How do the payroll taxes levied on the earnings of workers affect their decisions about how much leisure they consume?

Hike in payroll taxes will increase the burden on the workers. Their disposable earnings will go down and hence they will have less money for leisure.

When the government taxes younger people to pay benefits to older people, how does this affect the amount of assistance that younger people might voluntarily choose to offer older people?
When the ...

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