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What is the variable manufacturing cost per unit and total cost for Babson Corporation?

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Babson Corporation has provided the following production and total cost data for two levels of monthly production volume. The company produces a single product.

Production volume 5,000 units 6,000 units
Direct materials 103,500 124,200
Direct labor 282,500 339,000
Manufacturing overhead 667,000 679,800

Reference: 5-10

1. The best estimate of the total variable manufacturing cost per unit is:


2. The best estimate of the total cost to manufacture 5,300 units is closest to:

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The solution explains the use of high low method to calculate the variable manufacturing cost and the total cost.

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1. We use the high low method to find the variable cost.
The change in manufacturing overhead is 12,800 and the change in volume is 1,000. Using the high low ...

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