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Cash Conversion Cycle Examples

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Van Den Borsh Corp. has annual sales of $50,735,000, an average inventory level of $15,012,000, and average accounts receivable of $10,008,000. The firm's cost of goods sold is 85% of sales. The company makes all purchases on credit and has always paid on the 30th day. However, it now plans to take full advantage of trade credit and pay its suppliers on the 40th day. The CFO also believes that sales can be maintained at the existing level but inventory can be lowered by $1,946,000 and accounts receivable by $1,946,000. What will be the net change in the cash conversion cycle, assuming a 365-day year?

I am using the CCC formula and am confused when it comes to the payables deferred. I am unsure how you would figure that out.

Weiss Inc. arranged a $9,000,000 revolving credit agreement with a group of banks. The firm paid an annual commitment fee of 0.5% of the unused balance of the loan commitment. On the used portion of the revolver, it paid 1.5% above prime for the funds actually borrowed on a simple interest basis. The prime rate was 3.25% during the year. If the firm borrowed $6,000,000 immediately after the agreement was signed and repaid the loan at the end of one year, what was the total dollar annual cost of the revolver?

The interest rate in this problem is confusing me. I can figure out the actual commitment cost but when it comes to the monthly and annual interest I know that there is an interest rate of 3.25% for that year but am confused where the 1.5% interest rate comes in.

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The expert examines cash conversion cycle examples.

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Van Den Borsh Corp. has annual sales of $50,735,000, an average inventory level of $15,012,000, and average accounts receivable of $10,008,000. The firm's cost of goods sold is 85% of sales. The company makes all purchases on credit and has always paid on the 30th day. However, it now plans to take full advantage of trade credit and pay its suppliers on the 40th day. The CFO also believes that sales can be maintained at the existing level but inventory can be lowered by $1,946,000 and accounts receivable by $1,946,000. What will ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Ain Shams University, Cairo Egypt
  • MBA, California State University, Sacramento
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