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return with different compounding period

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The formula for calculating the amount of money returned for deposit money into a bank account or CD (Certificate of Deposit) is given by the following:

a) Calculate the return (A) if the bank compounds annually (n = 1).
b) Calculate the return (A) if the bank compounds quarterly (n = 4). Round your answer to the hundredth's place.
c) Calculate the return (A) if the bank compounds monthly (n = 12). Round your answer to the hundredth's place.
d) Calculate the return (A) if the bank compounds daily (n = 365). Round your answer to the hundredth's place.
e) What observation can you make about the size of increase in your return as your compounding increases more frequently?
f) If a bank compounds continuous, then the formula becomes simpler, that is
where e is a constant and equals approximately 2.7183. Calculate A with continuous compounding. Round your answer to the hundredth's place.

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The solution explains how to calculate the amount of money returned when the interest is compounded for different compound period or continuously in detail.

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Please see the attached file for detailed solution.
(e) The return ...

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