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Economic goals of the President of the USA and Congress

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Find a recent article related to the economic goals of the President of the United States or Congress. Do you think these goals are politically driven, or are they clearly in the best interest of the country? Explain your answer. Be sure to site your source and include the URL if taken from the Internet

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This solution provides analysis of a recent article related to the economic goals of the President of the United States and Congress. The solution describes wether these goals are politically driven, and if they are in the best interest of the country.

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"Obama and Bank Executives to Meet on Economic Goals - by: Kim Chipman and Julianna Goldman Kim Chipman And Julianna Goldman, Wed Mar 25, 5:25 pm ET. Published on Yahoo News: http://news.yahoo.com/s/bloomberg/20090325/pl_bloomberg/aoyglztdgn4u/print

This article explains how President Obama is pushing a strategy to stabilize the financial system. The president, a Democrat, is making regulatory reform a centerpiece of his economic agenda in an effort to combat the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression and ...

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