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Identifying Equivalent Claims

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Discuss the following statements and determine which of the claims say the same as which others.
Give reasoning for your conclusions.

a. If you haven't been tested, then you cannot give blood.
b. If you can give blood, then you haven't been tested.
c. You can give blood only if you've been tested.
d. Nobody who's been tested cannot give blood.
e. Everybody who has not been tested cannot give blood.

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Solution Summary

The solution provides the correct answer to the question that asks, Discuss the following statements and determine which of the claims say the same as which others.
Give reasoning for your conclusions.

a. If you haven't been tested, then you cannot give blood.
b. If you can give blood, then you haven't been tested.
c. You can give blood only if you've been tested.
d. Nobody who's been tested cannot give blood.
e. Everybody who has not been tested cannot give blood.

Solution Preview

Discuss the following statements and determine which of the claims say the same as which others.

These all have the same meaning:
a. If you haven't been tested, then you cannot give blood. - ...

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