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Technology Forecasting

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# Why are technology strategy and technology forecasting so important in today's global business climate?
# Given all the various technology forecasting approaches, what are the key factors in shaping an organization's "TF portfolio," that is, the TF techniques it chooses to implement?

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Why are technology strategy and technology forecasting so important in today's global business climate?

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# Why are technology strategy and technology forecasting so important in today's global business climate?

In today's dynamic business environment where companies are increasingly using new and innovative technologies to obtain competitive advantage or an edge over their peers, the importance of technology strategy and forecasting has gained immense attention and importance and is being increasingly look forward as an indispensable tool to secure competitive advantage over others.

Further, the rapid pace at which existing technologies become obsolete and new technologies are being introduced makes it absolutely necessary for companies to develop a comprehensive technology strategy and forecasting in advance.

Technology advancement is a principal impetus in economic development. Foreseeing technological advancements that will shape the future is of immense importance for many industrial, financial, or social enterprises, since they can be ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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