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Standards Overload for CPA reporting on public vs nonpublic

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Would the user of statements be aided if there is a distinction between financial reporting standards for public vs. nonpublic companies?

Would CPA's favor a distinction between financial reporting standards for public vs. nonpublic companies?

Would small business owner managers favor a distinction between financial reporting standards for public vs. nonpublic companies?

Would CPA's in a small CPA firm view standards overload as a bigger problem than that CPA's in a large CPA firm?

Opinion on standards overload.

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Standards Overload for CPA reporting on public vs nonpublic companies is discussed to include user statements, CPAs and more

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1. Yes I think they would benefit slightly from this, because someone who was a small time investor who wanted to invest in a company by buying its stock is different than a venture

2. Yes they would so again, at least some of them wouldn't have worry about standards overload, and those who ...

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