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Break Even Point - C-V-P

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The C-V-P Equation
The company sells lawnmowers for $895 each. The variable cost per lawnmower is $520. The company's monthly fixed costs are $84,500. Using the C-V-P equation, compute the amount of profit the company will have for a month in which the company sells 375 lawnmowers.

Break-Even Units
The company sells shovels for $27.75 each. The variable cost per shovel is $14.25. The company's monthly fixed costs are $2,538. Compute the number of shovels the company must sell to break even.

Break-Even Sales Revenue
The company has a variable cost ratio of 65% and monthly fixed costs of $91,000. What is the company's break-even point in terms of sales dollars?

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Solution Summary

This solution answers 3 break even questions, addressing C-V-P equation and fixed cost revenues.

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Ain Shams University, Cairo Egypt
  • MBA, California State University, Sacramento
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