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Brain Structure & Impact of Deteriorating

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Why is it important to study the brain and behavior and how does deteriorating brain structure impact behavior?

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This solution examines why it is important to study the brain and behavior and how deteriorating brain structure impacts behavior.

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1. Why is it important to study the brain and behavior and how does deteriorating brain structure impact behavior?

The reason why it is important to study the brain is because the brain influences and regulates our behavior. In fact, our brain and nervous system is the basic organ system that regulates our mental functions of thinking, feeling, and acting. In other words, it is important for Psychologists to study the brain in order to determine this relationship between the brain and behavior (nature) for several reasons. They are interesting in learning ways to control behavior, so they need to know what causes behavior. A healthy brain functioning brain (as opposed to an unhealthy functioning brain) means that the person can think clearly and make good decisions, that is necessary to make good decisions that guide a person's behaviors. When a person is highly stressed for example, they often make bad decisions and act in ways that are not well planned out or behave in easy they would not do at optimal brain functioning. When a person is ...

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