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Neuroscience and Linguistics

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Neuroscience and linguistics have, at face value, little in common methodologically. Beginning with the Linguistics Department of Carnegie Mellon University, identify methodological commonalities between the two. How have these methodological commonalities advanced knowledge in the each of the two fields of study? Identify and support which has brought about the biggest advance in both fields

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This gives a brief overview on how neuroscience and linguistic studies relate to each other, their contribution to our understanding of brain functioning, language development and memory.

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Neuroscience: study of the brain/nervous system
Linguistics: language development
Similarities/how they relate to one another:
• Study of the brain will reveal aspects of the structure of linguistic knowledge.
• language can be used to investigate the nature of computation in the brain
• the use of linguistic categories to investigate how the brain computes with abstract categorical representations
• Study of the Broca's area & Wernicke's area
• Importance in lesion studies, people with localised brain injury, seizures, abnormal brain development, loss of brain cells, loss of functioning, language disorders and other developmental delays that have an impact on language development
• Also important in memory studies where coding, storing and retrieval of information is ...

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