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Business to Business Buying Behavior

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Business-to-Business Buying Behavior

I am the sales manager for a hair and facial cosmetics distributor in the Midwest and have a staff of 120 sales representatives calling on literally thousands of hairstyle retail shops. The former sales manager had segmented the sales territory into two six-state geographical regions as follows:

Region one: North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, and Iowa
Region two: Missouri, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio
While the brands that your company represents are competitive, a two-year downward trend in revenues in your second region has you concerned. By his own admission, the former manager never took the time to study the buying decision-making behavior of clients. Knowing that my job may be on the line, I am determined to identify the factors that influence the purchase of our products at the retail level.

On the basis of the given scenario, I need help in order to answer the following questions in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document:

What types of problems do I think I need to resolve?
What are the typical purchase criteria and specifications of my average client?
What is the nature of the organizational influences on the buying decision?
What is the typical relationship between my sales representatives and the retail shop business managers?
On a separate page, I need help with citing any sources using the APA format

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Business to business buying behaviors are examined.

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Business-To-Business Buying Behavior
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Business-To-Business Buying Behavior

A buyer's decision making behavior is grouped within a five stage decision making process including the Need recognition and problem awareness, information research, alternatives evaluation, purchasing, and post purchasing evaluation. For any customer making a marketing decision, he or she has to adhere to the above stages so as to make a purchasing decision of the product available in the market. It is not necessary that all stages have to be followed while making a purchase decision. During one or two incidences, an individual may skip a stage or two.
The need recognition is the first stage of the buyer process whereby the buyer acknowledges the need of purchasing a good hence responds to the market stimulus. A customer with an interest has to first decide on any ...

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