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budgeting in a small business.

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Go to the following website (see below) and read the article about budgeting in a small business. The article talks about six basic steps to a better business budget. Write a paragraph about whether you agree or disagree with these steps. Be sure to address each individual step in your response.


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This solution provides a paragraph about budgeting in a small business. It provides a discussion regarding the six basic steps to a better business budget. This posting is a total of 268 words.

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This solution provides a discussion regarding the following article: http://www.investopedia.com/articles/pf/08/small-business-budget.asp.

The article is correct because of the fact that any business that wants to excel should ensure that their budgets are in accordance with industry standards to develop perspective on the amount of revenue that the small business will need to appropriate for cost groupings. If they're spending more than others ...

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