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Routine and Goodwill Emails

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Write one routine email and one goodwill email for the organization you are in. You can make up the content, or you can write real ones. After you've written them, analyze them, identifying all the principles for creating good news messages, routine messages and emails that it embodies.

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The solution gives an example of a routine and a goodwill email and analyses them in terms of addressee, content and word choice. 762 words.

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Routine e-mail:

Parker Posey
From: Secretary of Executive Committee, Lawrence Sports, Inc., Hawthorne, California
To: Members of the Executive Committee,

This is to announce that the monthly meeting of the Executive Committee meeting will be held on February, 4th Monday at the Board Room at 9.00 am.

The agenda for the meeting will be:
1. Discussion on the new purchase policy of the company;
2. The infrastructure requirements for achieving the new sales targets;
3. New specifications for project team formation;
4. The implementation of control measures for cash expenses.
5. Any other matter with the permission of the chair;

All the members of the Executive Committee are requested to attend the meeting;

Parker Posey
April 27, 2008

Goodwill e-mail:

Parker Posey
From: Secretary of Executive Committee, Lawrence Sports, Inc., Hawthorne, California
To: All Employees

I welcome you all on the celebration of the 50 year anniversary of Lawrence Sports, Inc.. I really would have liked to attend the celebration myself, but as I am currently accompanying a sales team to New York, I am unable to do ...

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