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Benefits of the CFF credential

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In May 2008, the AICPA's governing Council authorized the creation of a new CPA specialty credential in forensic accounting. The credential, Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF), combines specialized forensic accounting expertise with the core knowledge and skills that make CPAs among the most trusted business advisers. The CFF encompasses fundamental and specialized forensic accounting skills that CPA practitioners apply in a variety of service areas, including: bankruptcy and insolvency; computer forensics; economic damages; family law; fraud prevention, detection and deterrence; financial statement misrepresentation; and valuations. To qualify, a CPA must be an AICPA member in good standing, have at least five years of experience in practicing accounting, and meet minimum requirements in relevant business experience and continuing professional education.

-Eligibility Requirements-
The CFF Credential is exclusively granted by the AICPA to qualified CPAs. To qualify, a new CFF applicant must:

1. Maintain AICPA membership in good standing, have at least five years of experience in practicing accounting, and meet minimum requirements in relevant business experience and continuing professional education.

2. Hold a valid and unrevoked CPA certificate or license issued by a legally constituted state authority.

3. Pass the CFF Examination.

4. Complete the CFF Credential application and pay the credential fee upon successfully passing the CFF Examination. Please note the CFF application will not be available until exam scores are distributed in January 2011.

5. Sign a Declaration of Intent to comply with the requirements of CFF recertification.

****What do you think are the benefits of holding the CFF certification?

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This solution discusses the benefits of the CFF and provides references.

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What do you think are the benefits of holding the CFF certification?

The benefits are numerous of holding the CFF credential. We are living in times, post-Enron, where accounting fraud is at an all-time high. Financial statement fraud is rampant, and has increased the demand for Certified Financial ...

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