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pros and cons of static and flexible budgets

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Introduction: This section will discuss your topic and the purpose of the paper. You will clearly state the problem, issue of concern/interest, or area(s) the paper is seeking to address.

Body of Paper: You will use the internet/online library resources to research material to support your paper. You will find a lot of information to support your argument. It's not enough to just quote what others have posited. You must discuss the issues in your own words and determine whether you agree or disagree with the points cited in your research data.

Conclusion: Every paper will have a conclusion. You will draw conclusions from your discussions in the body of the text to support or disprove the issue under discussion. Your conclusions must be sound and must address or relate to the stated purpose of the paper.

The only headings (above) you should use in you paper will be "introduction" and "conclusion". The body of your paper, of course, will be the discussion of your research information. Use applicable sub-headings as appropriate.

What I like to see are articles from professional journals such as Management Accountant and other accounting and business journals for practitioners. Occasionally there is a good article in the Wall Street Journal, depending on your topic. I would like to see at least three references.

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Response discusses the pros and cons of static and flexible budgets

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Topic = The pros and cons of static and flexible budgets - instructions below

Introduction: This section will discuss your topic and the purpose of the paper. You will clearly state the problem, issue of concern/interest, or area(s) the paper is seeking to address.

Body of Paper: You will use the internet/online library resources to research material to support your paper. You will find a lot of information to support your argument. It's not enough to just quote what others have posited. You must discuss the issues in your own words and determine whether you agree or disagree with the points cited in your research data.

Conclusion: Every paper will have a conclusion. You will draw conclusions from your discussions in the body of the text to support or disprove the issue under discussion. Your conclusions must be sound and must address or relate to the stated purpose of the paper.

The only headings (above) you should use in you paper will be "introduction" and "conclusion". The body of your paper, of course, will be the discussion of your research information. Use applicable sub-headings as appropriate.

What I like to see are articles from professional journals such as Management Accountant and other accounting and business journals for practitioners. Occasionally there is a good article in the Wall Street Journal, depending on your topic. I would like to see at least three references.

Budget is a comprehensive financial plan of allocation of financial resources. Budgeting helps in booth planning and controlling the activities of the organization. It is a useful communication tool. There are two types of budget flexible budget and static budget. Each has its own pros and cons. Static budget does not change with changes in activity level but on the other hand, Flexible budget changes with change in the activity level. In this paper we are going to discuss the purpose of budgeting. We will be discussing both the types of budgeting flexible and static in detail. This will include the pros and cons, purpose and the latest developments in budgeting.

Budgeting is a process of preparation of budget. Budgeting is used everywhere now including in our personal lives. Major inputs ...

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