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Was it a breach of ethics?

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Recently, there was a breach of ethics by some graduating dental students. On their electronic transcripts ten of them had forged a professor's (they looked over his shoulder to acquire his password) signature on clinical work which they had performed. Apparently they had performed the work, but never acquired the authorized signatures to sign off on it.

The public wanted these students to be denied licensure and be required to repeat their senior year, but ultimately they graduated with their class and will have to perform 1500 "unsupervised" hours of community service. There will be no official record kept of these hours, however, so it will be unclear if they ever actually perform them.

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Solution Summary

Presented with the scenario below, read along as I examine whether there were ethical or even other issues involved in this situation.

Recently, there was a breach of ethics by some graduating dental students. On their electronic transcripts ten of them had forged a professor's (they looked over his shoulder to acquire his password) signature on clinical work which they had performed. Apparently they had performed the work, but never acquired the authorized signatures to sign off on it.

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You're right- this is a very interesting question! I would say that there are multiple issues going on here and likely some unanswered questions.

What is the likelihood that these grad students 'cheated' on something else? If they went so far as to look over their professor's shoulder to get his password (something I don't even do with my ...

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