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Supply Chain Management and Return on Investment

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David Burt, et al. (2010), the author of the " Supply Management" discussed the importance of supply chain management on an organization's return on investment, as well as the bottom line and total cost of ownership. Discuss this impact in terms of an organization with which you are familiar. How does the supply chain affect each of these components, or does it?

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The expert examines the supply chain management and return on investments.

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Supply chain management has a very important effect on the McDonald's Corporation's return on investment, largely due to the fact that the more efficient and effective the movement of resources are from the supplier to the consumer, the less time and money that an organization has to spend on this process. Subsequently, the less money that an organization has to spend on supply chain operations the greater the profitability of the organization, and the greater ...

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  • Criminal Justice, Elizabeth City State University
  • Master of Public Administration, North Carolina Central University
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