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Suggestions to Avoid Forecasting Errors

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You have received a call from the manager of a firm where you helped set up a forecasting system. The manager, Dr. Nancy Waldron, expressed concern that forecast errors, although within the control limits, were too large, and wondered if there was anything else that could be done, or whether they would "just have to live with it." What would you suggest? Write a memo to Dr. Waldron.

How should I proceed to write this memo and what should be emphasized?

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This case deals with errors in forecasting and the potential hazards of inaccuracy associated with forecasting techniques. It also reviews what should happen if forecasting parameters are tightened and the benefit to the firm.

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This info implies that the information provided to you for the forecasting system in the accepted control limits was still too broad to be of any value to her firm. I would take the approach that you want to respond to her concerns, and to do that, we should explore a greater level of detail in terms of ...

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