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Benefits of Fish Bone Diagram/Retrospective Surveys

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5. Describe some benefits of using a Fish Bone diagram. Provide an example of when this technique is most useful. 

6. Project metrics are fundamental to project risk management. Identify two metrics that are important for you when working on a project and justify your answer.

7. Why is it important to issue a retrospective survey after the completion of a project? What are the important components of this survey? Please share an
example of a survey you would use if you planned a wedding and wanted to ask your bride and groom how your service was.

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This detailed solution describes the benefits of using a Fish Bone diagram. It also identifies 2 metrics that are important when working on a project, and the importances of issuing a retrospective survey at the end of a project. It supplies an example of a survey. APA references are included.

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5. Describe some benefits of using a Fish Bone diagram. Provide an example of when this technique is most useful.

Fishbone diagrams provide structure for a group's discussion around the potential cause of a problem. Fishbone diagrams graphically help to illustrate the "relationships among several potential (or actual) causes of a performance problem" (Worldbank.org, 2007). This graphic representation of relationships offers a visual image of the way to build a system of performance improvement interventions around the relationships found across potential or actual causes.

A fishbone diagram allows the ability to look for the root cause. This is helpful in solving problems more that at face value, and can be invaluable to truly solve an issue.
A fishbone diagram is easy to use, as a way to direct the group to continue to look at the situation and focus in on cause and effect. It is often a more thorough exploration of the issues behind a problem that can lead to a more targeted solution.
A fishbone diagram simplifies the situation to drill down and use laser like focus to identify the root cause.
A fishbone diagram can illustrate areas of weakness that can be rectified prior to causing greater problems.
A fishbone diagram allows various categories of causes to be explored. Users continue to ask for more detailed explanations, as cause categories are exposed. This also helps display relationships that may not have been previously obvious.
A fishbone diagram increases creativity through brainstorming and results in greater team involvement.

A fishbone diagram is particularly helpful when there is a question about why a particular problem keeps happening but the team's thinking has fallen into a rut. This is a perfect time to brainstorm to consider options and get to the root cause of the issue. An example might be why calls are up to the help desk. Factors can then be evaluated, including staff, product, technology, software, etc. In ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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