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Shateria of Zurich: Compute Net Operating Income & Others

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Shateria of Zurich, Switzerland, has just introduced a new fashion watch for which the company is trying to find an optimal selling price. Marketing studies suggest that the company can increase sales by 5,000 units for each SFr2 per unit reduction in the selling price. (SFr2 denotes 2 Swiss francs.) The company's present selling price is SFr90 per unit, and variable expenses are SFr60 per unit. Fixed expenses are SFr840,000 per year. The present annual sales volume (at the SFr90 selling price) is 25,000 units.


1. What is the present yearly net operating income or loss?
2. What is the present break-even point in units and in Swiss franc sales?
3. Assuming that the marketing studies are correct, what is the maximum profit that the company can earn yearly? At how many units and at what selling price per unit would the company generate this profit?
4. What would be the break-even point in units and in Swiss franc sales using the selling price you determined in (3) above (i.e., the selling price at the level of maximum profits)? Why is this break-even point different from the break-even point you computed in number two above.

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Solution Summary

This solution shows step-by-step computations in an Excel file to determine the net operating income/loss, BEP (Units) , selling price, net profit and maximum profit.

Solution provided by:
  • BE, Bangalore University, India
  • MS, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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  • "Your explanation to the answers were very helpful."
  • "What does 1 and 0 means in the repair column?"
  • "Went through all of the formulas, excellent work! This really helped me!"
  • "try others as well please"
  • "Thank you, this helped a lot. I was not sure how to plug in those numbers to a formula. This was a great help. Now I have to figure out how to explain cost of capital is used in net present value analysis, and how cost of capital is used in net present value analysis. This stuff gets confusing."
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