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Horizontal and Vertical Analysis of a Balance Sheet

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One summary of the Balance sheet horizontal and vertical and one summary of the income statement horizontal and vertical.

Note: a summary statement should tell the story of each statement from both horizontal and vertical of view in "one" summary.

The company is Las Vegas Sands Corp.

horizontal and vertical balance sheet
horizontal and vertical income statement

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This solution provides a horizontal and vertical analysis of a balance sheet.

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Dear student,

Vertical analysis of Balance sheet

Fixed assets constitute major portion of total assets as it constitutes 69.23%in the year 2008 and fixed assets continues to have high amount in the year 2009 as it constitutes 64.90% in the year 2009 even though there is slight decline in the percentage. Among the current assets cash and cash equivalents has high value as it constitutes 17.72% in the year 2008 and this trend continues in the year 2009 also. Among the liabilities, long term debt is the largest item as it constitutes 83.51% in the year 2008 and it dipped slightly in the year 2009 and it is 82.08% in the year 2009. The company has got high amount of share premium as it has 69.83% in the year 2008 and 83.14% in the year 2009 out of total equity amount.

Horizontal analysis of balance ...

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