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Sampling Design alternative

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Explain a sampling design that is an alternative to random sampling and provide an example.

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This provides an explanation of alternatives to random sampling with examples.

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To start, here is a little review about sampling in general.

The purpose of sampling is to provide various types of statistical information of a qualitative or quantitative nature about the whole by examining a few selected units. The sampling method is the scientific procedure of selecting those sampling units which would provide the required estimates with associated margins of uncertainty, arising from examining only a part and not the whole.

In any research investigation situation the advantage of sampling is as follows:

Greater economy : The total cost of a sample will be much less than that of the whole lot.

Shorter time-lag : With smaller number of observations it is possible to provide results much
faster as compared to the total number of observations.

Greater scope: Sampling has a greater scope regarding the variety of information by virtue of
its flexibility and adaptability.

Actual ...

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