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Regression analysis fresh detergent demand data

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I have been asked to do this question in MEGASTAT, which is an add-on to Excel. The problem here is I don't know how to use MEGASTAT that well. I am hoping someone could complete this textbook question using Megastat, and show how they got the answer and graphs.

Thank you.
The Fresh Detergent Case

The following information gives the output of residual diagnostics that are obtained when the simple linear regression models fit to the fresh detergent demand data. Create and interpret the diagnostics and determine of they indicate any violations of the regression assumptions.

With the following data
PriceDif Demand
-0.05 7.38
0.25 8.51
0.60 9.52
0.00 7.50
0.25 9.33
0.20 8.28
0.15 8.75
0.05 7.87
-0.15 7.10
0.15 8.00
0.20 7.89
0.10 8.15
0.40 9.10
0.45 8.86
0.35 8.90
0.30 8.87
0.50 9.26
0.50 9.00
0.40 8.75
-0.05 7.95
-0.05 7.65
-0.10 7.27
0.20 8.00
0.10 8.50
0.50 8.75
0.60 9.21
-0.05 8.27
0.00 7.67
0.05 7.93
0.55 9.26

Create a
Normal Probability Plot of residuals
X-axis- Residual
Y axis- Percent

2. Residua vs. Fitted Values
x- axis - Fitted value
y- axis- Residual

Histogram of Residuals
x-axis- residual
y- axis- frequency

Residuals vs. Order of the data
x. axis- Observation order
y-axis Residual

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Solution Summary

Step by step method for regression analysis is discussed here. Regression coefficients, coefficient of determination, scatter diagram and significance of regression model are explained in the solution.

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